Top 5 Best Exotic Fish and Corals for Beginners Fish make both beautiful and entertaining pets. If you want them as a pet, choose one that appeals to you, not only in its appearance but personality-wise as well. Guarantee that they are comfortable and healthy by getting the appropriate size tank and adding suitable decorations and plants. Fish can live a long time, so setting a cleaning and feeding routine will make it more fun and less stressful. Here are the top five best exotic fishes and corals for beginners! #1. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) With its bright colors, the Neon Tetra blends perfectly with the rest of the aquarium. Although small in size, these beautifully colored, freshwater fish will take advantage of every bit of space in your tank. They love being in groups, so the larger the group, the happier they will be. This fish is an omnivore.
professional aquarium movers
What to Do Before Moving a Fish Tank to a New Home? Most people with fish tanks never think about the possibility of moving out and having to deal with the whole moving process for an aquarium. But for those that do think about it, we have some news: You should really get a professional to do it. If you want to keep your fish safe and their whole ecosystem untouchable, you need to do the following before experts take over: Schedule your moving appointment with Expert Aquariums if you live in the Orange County area. Five days before moving, change 20% of the water tank every day. Don’t feed your fish for 24-48 hours before moving out, so you can allow time for waste to pass. Your fish will be just fine, as they can survive a week or more without food. If the moving is going to last