Pros and Cons of Column Tower Fish Tanks
Having an aquarium is a great idea! But only if you’re actually willing to learn and try to keep the best environment for your fish. Fish tanks can take the craziest shapes and occupy the weirdest spaces ever—as you’ve seen it on TV Shows, stores, and more— and tower & column aquariums are some of the most complicated to set up.
If you’re thinking on getting one, you must be ready for all the pros and cons this type of aquarium can bring. Here we tell you the wonders and “not so great” stuff about tower & column fish tanks.
If your dream has always been having a huge and beautiful fish tank to brag to your family and friends but don’t have enough space in your apartment or home, you’ll find out soon that having a column tower fish tank is very convenient. Enjoy that 360 degree view!
The set of lights is an element that needs to be “on point” to ensure the good flourishing process of your plants, and if you purchase a tower tank you’d have the opportunity to buy beautiful plants that can grow as tall as they can, and work as a marvelous decoration that can bring out all your home’s aesthetic potential.
Many pretty fish can coexist in these type of tanks, especially those that tend to grow up to 8 inches in height, giving them the space they need to swim freely.
Still don’t know what fish to get? Our recommendations are angelfish, gouramis, and discus fish. Get your column tower fish tank and create a new family of colorful fish.
Smaller tanks are the first option for many aquarium enthusiasts due to their reasonable price, but many like “to go big or go home” by getting column fish tanks, and as a result, they end up spending a lot of money, mostly because the material/glass used is way thicker so it can contain the water pressure, which mainly accumulates at the lower half of the tower tank.
This is something that usually happens in taller tanks. If the water flow system is working well, then it should be possible for the oxygen to reach the bottom of the tank, but many times that’s not the case, and a breakdown of fish waste can start building up gases, thus, result in something harmful for the fish.
Let’s put it in a simple way; getting your hand to the bottom of a tank that could be taller than you can be a pain in the back, and a hassle not many want to experience. You could buy specialized cleaning brushes for tower fish tanks… but let’s face it, it would represent another strike for your pockets.
Don’t put small fish in tower tanks. The main goal of a column fish tank is to show all the colors of big sized fish, and getting the smallest aquatic friends is definitely not a good idea, mainly because you’ll see many gaps in your tank.
Plus, if you want to have tetra fish, you need to be extra careful because they’re jumpers… but if you’re still willing to keep up with the idea, then just make sure you get a secure tank top and learn all you can about fish care.
For more information or buying your own aquarium, click here.
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